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The Meaning of The Moon Card 18

The Moon Card 18/9

The Moon Card is a mysterious and powerful card. On one hand the Moon represents potential yet to be revealed, secrets and intuition by its association with night and all things hidden in the night that are revealed in the day. In a spread where the question relates to the truth of a situation, it tells you or your client to trust your intuition. If you feel that something is missing or that the picture or your information about the situation is incomplete there is usually something or some fact that is important that is hidden and yet to be revealed. The Moon suggests it is time for this to come out. Sometimes it can indicate deliberate deception or illusion as things aren't quite as they appear in the dim light of the moon or this can be a subconscious deception where there just seems to be a bit of the puzzle missing.

In my experience the Moon Card often turns up when someone in your life or your client’s life is suffering from depression, anxiety or mood swings or emotional instability and fear and may have issues with drugs, alcohol or prescription medications. Often it is someone close to the client rather than the client themselves. The Moon here expands the emotion and sensitivity of the person’s nature so that it is out of touch and unrealistic – almost the opposite to the confident openness, positivity and warmth of the Sun. The crayfish here coming out of the water suggests the fears of the subconscious surfacing and creating anxieties. In this situation the person concerned may feel lost for direction; groping around in the dark unable to see where they are heading and they may be in serious need of professional help. 
The energy of this card is feminine and receptive so there is a warning to be careful not to absorb negativity of those around you or to be fooled by others. Sometimes it can be associated with one's public image or the image we present to others so again the aspect of illusion or incomplete truth is suggested. The 9 (18 reducing to 9) of this card fits with the influence of the subconscious and the association with intuition and instinct but also empathy for others and the absorption of the energy of others. They key to this card’s energy is emotion that the Moon represents and its ability to expand this force and the influences of the subconscious and one’s mental state. In the Fool’s journey he is now fully receptive to the messages and forces from the subconscious and understands the connections between us all. He is in touch with his intuition and has empathy for those around him both positive and negative influences.
Keywords: something hidden, deception, intuition, insecurity and depression.
Reversed: Unhappiness, deception, insomnia, strange dreams and hidden knowledge surfacing. Delay in the revelation of secrets and information. Extreme depression and mood swings, mental disorders and delusions.

If you draw the Moon Card today you may be a little more sensitive and vulnerable than usual. You may find out something about someone that explains the way they are or the way they act and this will confirm your feelings about them. Something hidden may come out today.
Have a great day - allow your sensitivity to work in your favour to understand others 🙏🙏🙏♥️🦉

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Rider-Waite Tarot images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT USA. c. 1971 by U.S. Games Systems. Rider-Waite is a registered trademark of U.S. Games Systems. All rights reserved.  

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