The Magician No 1 in the Major Arcana
Good morning everyone. Time to move on to The Magician Number 1 in the Major Arcana.
The Magician, sometimes called the Juggler is number 1 in the Major Arcana card in most traditional Tarot decks. The image shows a man standing in front of his powerful altar with tools that represent all four directions, the four elements, earth, air fire and water and of course the four suits pentacles, wands, swords and cups.
When the Magician appears the universe is asking you to tap into your talents, capabilities and resources which will help you to succeed with any project. You need to tap into this energy as you work with all at your disposal to bring change, completion and success. Often they may also represent someone who is very influential, often working in sales or marketing. This person is a great communicator speaker, teacher or leader:
Keywords: Determination, resourcefulness, power, dexterity and skilfulness