5 of Pentacles
The Fives in the Tarot The stability of the number four is disrupted by adding one to it. Five is the number of change, movement, instability and struggle. The meaning of the fives often relates to struggle, conflict, disappointment and problems in general.
Five of Pentacles – element earth – security, work, finance The unsettling effect of the number five here relates to security – financial and emotional. The challenge and strife of the five means hard times financially and struggling to make ends meet. Unemployment or financial debts and pressures may be indicated. At the very least there is a sense of being unsupported and literally “out in the cold” as the image suggests. However note that these poor people are actually really close to a source of comfort and help as they are just outside a church. The message is help is nearby – ask for help if you need it.
Keywords: material trouble, poverty and worry.