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The Wheel of Fortune No 10 in the Major Arcana

Good morning everyone. Today is your lucky day - we are looking at The Wheel of Fortune No 10

The Fool begins to see how everyone and everything connects and he can see cycles and patterns in life and he starts to see the answers to some of his questions. Here the Fool recognises the influence of fate in his path. The Wheel of Fortune is a complicated card representing the power and force of fate and destiny to bring positive change to us and movement in our affairs. It is usually a good turning point. In some decks the wheel is being turned by the goddess Fortuna and in other decks by the sphinx. The four elements represented by the four fixed signs are also shown. The Wheel brings change to everything as the fixed influences of the elements move with the change. Note also that the number 10 is the 1 with the power of the zero behind it. 1s always means new beginnings.

In a spread this card represents the forces that we feel are outside of our control and at the will of the universe.

Keywords: optimism, good luck, chance event.

If you draw the Wheel of Fortune today you are in for a good day with unexpected opportunities. A bad situation turns out better than expected or things take a turn for the better . Have a great day!😊🌻🌻🙏❣️

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