The 10 of Wands
We are coming to the end of the road with the suit of wands with the number 10 today. Have you bitten off more than you can chew? Too much on the go?
The Tens in the Tarot Ten represents the beginning of a new stage of development. The Ten can be the final stage or completion but more often than not it is the extreme expression of the energy of the suit and is an an overdo. It is the idea of one too many with the power of a zero behind it but contained in the 10 is the promise of a new beginning as the 10 reduces back to a 1. The number 10 can also signify or suggest a group of people contributing to the overuse of the energy of this suit.
Ten of Wands The suit of wands with its association with business plans, enterprise, initiative and action etc will result in extreme activity and over-commitment – having too many projects on the go at the one time and too many responsibilities creating a sense of burden just as the image suggests. The result is a need to delegate and get rid of some of those pressures.The image in this card is a man carrying a back breaking load. The weight is too much for him to carry alone. This card often turns up when you are feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. It is a sign to ask for help and share responsibilities. In a work environment you need to learn to delegate not just lead. Keywords: heavy burdens of responsibility and over commitments.