The Nine of Wands
Good morning everyone. Today we are looking at the Nine of Wands. It’s a tricky one.. The message – keep going you are almost there.
The Nines in the Tarot The nine represents completion or the final stage. The nine contains the creative power of the 3. The 3 influence is characterised by product and results benefiting from the experience and creativity that has gone before. Nines involve resolution, final stages and endings or culmination and completion of something. The Nine of Wands. The nine here has strength to complete tasks and plans even though the energy of the Wands has resulted in too much on the go with the end result of you feeling like you are close to exhaustion but battling on. The character in this card is wounded from battle but still standing strong ready and watchful for the next challenge. There have been problems and obstacles but the positive, assertive energy of Wands will ensure success despite ongoing opposition. What has already been achieved puts you in a strong position for future successful completion of projects. Although wary and defensive from what you have been through you can proceed with caution to a good conclusion. Keywords: Strength, persistence with courage
Have a great day!