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The Four of Cups

Good morning everyone. Happy Monday – are you a bit bored with the same old routine and are waiting for something more exciting to come along? You might feel this more on a Monday !!. The Four of Cups is a bit like that feeling.

The Fours

The calm and stability of the four means rest, calm and a general pause in activity. The number 4 is the number of material stability therefore it is associated with firm foundations, security, system and order and discipline.

In the passive, receptive energy of Cups the stabilising influence can lead to boredom, apathy and inaction. Don’t forget CUPS is to do with emotions, love and inner happiness. When this card turns up you can feel stuck in a rut, dissatisfied with what used to be enjoyable. It can be a sign of potential boredom in a relationship –you want more and wonder what is next. A change or new interest is needed. In a relationship, initiative is needed to change the routine and do something different – bringing in new energy and vitality to the situation – take some action and to get up and do something about the way you feel. It does not mean the relationship is doomed but there is need for change.

Keywords: Boredom, apathy, excess

Have a great day. Change your routine. Find ways to mix things up a bit to help get yourself out of a rut. In relationships try a different approach. Think of the little things and do things different. The current habits and patterns are not working – time for a change of approach..

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