The Two of Cups
Good morning everyone. Today we are looking at one of the best known cards in the Tarot - The Two of Cups often referred to as the romance card.
Twos in the Tarot
The twos as we have mentioned before represents the relationship and interaction between two entities, persons or principles. It is the interaction between two.
The Suit of Cups – just to recap, represents emotion, love, intuition. It is the element WATER
Two of Cups:
As we know Cups is largely concerned with emotion and relationships so in this suit it is personal relationships. This is the classic romance card. It can also signify engagement, marriage or even a close supportive friendship. It does show that there is someone special in your life or that you are about to meet someone significant that you will share a special connection with. You can trust and rely on this person. Occasionally it can signify the ending to a dispute with forgiveness, understanding and tolerance.
When the two of cups shows up expect romance to blossom. It could be the meeting of soulmates or commitment in a current relationship. The two of Cups can also relate to the meeting of someone with whom you form a close and lasting friendship. The other great signifier of a new romance is the Knight of Cups. He usually turns up in a spread when you are just about to meet someone or have just met them. Remembering the Knights represent movement and change and when its Cups its your Knight in Shining Armour – someone romantic, reliable, sincere and strong. With the two of Cups, love and happiness are yours to enjoy.
Keywords: Love, friendship, marriage, romance.
Have a great day! 🌹🌹❤️❤️🙏