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Three of Wands

Good morning everyone. Happy Monday. Today we continue on with our journey through the suit of Wands.

Just to recap the suit of Wands is the Element Fire: initiative, action, enterprise.

The Threes in the Tarot

The 3 is a creative number, a product of the two opposites. Such as the product of a happy union between two people is often a child. I tend to think of it that way. Depending on which suit the number 3 relates to will indicate how this energy expresses. The Threes represent creativity, growth and development, communication and self expression. By adding an extra number to the stability or inaction of the twos the energy is forced to move forward. 3 is also the number of divinity and fate.

When the 3 of Wands appears in a spread it brings good news. It is favourable for initial accomplishment of plans and working with others in groups. New career opportunities will come your way often through a new person. Patience is needed as this is only the initial stage of success and it will take time and further planning to for it to continue

Keywords: creative projects, new partnerships and plans, luck.

Have a great day. Be productive, brain storm and you may be surprised at what you can achieve. 🦉🦉🌻🌻🌻❤️🙏

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