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Two of Wands

Good morning everyone. Happy Friday.Today we are moving on to the Two of Wands.

The Twos

The twos represent the relationship and interaction between two things, people or principles. It can be harmony and balance or conflict, duality and reflection. Balance, cooperation, negotiation and harmony are all elements of the number two. Partnership and co-operation is the key to the number 2 energy.

Two of Wands - FIRE

A decision needs to be made about what to do next. There has been partial success or the completion of initial plans.

Don’t forget Wands are connected with business, career, ambition and creative energy so this card may indicate a need for decisions and action. There may be inner conflict about what lies ahead and difficulty deciding which way to go. Partnerships and a meeting of minds will enhance projects and lead to success. Joint projects and business partnerships are indicated. Sometimes this can relate to plans you make with a friend such as plans to travel or activities together as opposed to romantic attachments indicated in the suit of Cups.

Keywords: decision, success, planning with others, inner conflict.

Have a great day !🌻🌻🌻❤️🙏

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