The Hierophant No 5 in the Major Arcana
Good morning everyone. Today we are up to number 5 in the Major Arcana - The Hierophant. In the Fool’s spiritual journey he begins to change with the influence of his environment and the social system around him. This one often causes trouble in interpretation.
The Hierophant V
As the Fool ventures out to the wider world he encounters the beliefs and traditions of the culture around him. It is the beginning of his education. The number 5 is about change, progress and advancement. Originally, in medieval times this card signified religious guidance from priests or ministers. Now it relates to a variety of other authority figures that we may turn to for professional advice such as doctors, solicitors, accountants, lawyers or teachers in addition to traditional trusted members of the community like religious ministers and priests. We seek these people due to their experience and expertise.
When the Hierophant appears in a spread it means that you or your client are seeking advice or need to seek the expertise of a specialist of some sort with a particular issue on your mind. Occasionally it can mean that you are the one giving the advice or you may be involved in an educational institution in a position as a teacher or student. I find this card usually comes up related to property matters, medical or psychological issues. In the case of emotional issues The Hierophant often indicates that the client is seeing a psychologist for example.. Whatever the case the result of seeking this help is usually change for the better and progress.
Put it out there that you need guidance or help with your problem or issue and you will attract the right person to you. Open your mind to listen to others in a position of knowledge or expertise in the area that you need help with. Listen because they have something to say that you need to hear.
Have a great day. Be wise and hear the message.