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Tips for Reading Tarot

Good morning everyone. Today we are going to cover a few general rules that may help you when doing a reading for someone:

1. Selecting the Cards

Ask the client to shuffle the cards. I usually spread the whole deck out in a row and ask them to select the cards with their left hand from the row. Many readers shuffle and cut the deck into 3 and get the client to select the cards from the top. Some readers select the cards for the client after they have shuffled them. I believe the best way to obtain the messages and information for the client is for them to have the greatest energy input into the cards and the selection of the cards. To me the best way to do this is ask the client to pick the cards. The left hand is controlled by the right side of the brain which is less consciously influenced by logic and reason and is more intuitive and artistic so I generally ask them to select the cards with their left hand. Also the client selects the cards from their perspective or orientation so if you are placing them in the spread to interpret them, then you need to turn them up the other way, that is, reverse their orientation so that you are reading them as they would be facing the client. I have tried reading them just as they are placed and reversing them to face me so that it is the same as if the client was looking at what they had selected. I have found this to be very accurate and makes sense. Of course you don’t need to do this if you are sitting side by side but in most cases the person you are reading for is facing opposite to you.

A great deal of information can be ascertained from how the client selects the cards and there is nothing wrong with picking up these subtle cues from your client. It all helps us to understand them and to tune in to their energies.

If the client selects the cards quickly without delay they are a “no nonsense” type who wants action and seeks specific answers of a practical nature. They are eager to hear what you have to say. Funny I find men, even the very intuitive ones are more likely to have this approach.

If the person is shaky or does not understand your instructions despite taking plenty of time to explain what they need to do, this may be a sign of a deeply distressed person, someone with many anxieties or a confused state of mind. You will pick this up anyway but you may need to take the reading very slowly and gently in this case. In the case of people of other nationalities ensure that they are understanding what you are saying. I don’t generally ask any questions of the client during the first half of the reading. I may ask if they can relate to what I am saying. A simple nod or yes is all I need. They are here for a reading to obtain answers from me not to be asked questions. However if I feel there might be a language issue I do make sure they understand me properly as they may require a friend or family member to interpret for them. I would then ask them to come back another time if that is the case. Usually towards the end of the reading there has been enough validation that the client is quite happy to add some additional information or to expand on what I have picked up on.

If a person is cautious when selecting the cards and contemplative they are seekers and deep thinkers who generally have more faith in the Tarot than those who select the cards without hesitation. Either way makes no difference to the quality of the reading it is just an observation on their nature.

You may note also that clients who select the cards closest to them (i.e. the centre of the row) are “middle of the road” types who want the usual things out of life. People who reach for cards are more likely to go out on a limb in general in life and are more likely to be risk takers, driven types who put in great effort and want to succeed in life.

2. Obtain a feeling for the spread as a whole - look at the “big picture”. Look at the colours of the cards.

3. Look at the balance of cards. The deck contains 22 Major and 56 Minor Arcana cards; therefore a spread should have about two Minor to each Major Arcana. If there are many more Major than Minor cards, then events will tend to be more in the hands of fate and destiny. The person will feel less in control of their life and will be more directly influenced by outside forces. One way of looking at it is that the more Major Arcana cards that turn up the more the universe is supporting change and growth of a spiritual nature. With more Minor Arcana then matters are more in the hands of the client and they are largely self determining in the matter on an everyday, practical level.

More guidelines tomorrow.

Tips for Tarot -

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Rider-Waite Tarot images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT USA. c. 1971 by U.S. Games Systems. Rider-Waite is a registered trademark of U.S. Games Systems. All rights reserved.  

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