Meaning of The Three of Pentacles
Good morning everyone. Today we are looking at the 3 of Pentacles - skill, expertise and craftsmanship.
Three of Pentacles
The number three is the concept of creation and creative expression and the creation of a third entity from two a bit like having a child only the child is the energy product of often two opposites. The number 3 is also connected with communication and small groups.
In the Suit of Pentacles the creative energy manifests as gainful employment, skill, craftsmanship and expertise. The product of the labour in this suit is practical matters like security, building, architecture, home improvement, interior design, craftsmanship and practical expertise. There is a consultation process implied and the concept of working in groups. When this card shows up it indicates that you are working hard and that you are doing something worthwhile and appreciated by others. This is a card of satisfying the needs of others and employment but you also of gaining recognition for your abilities and rewards for your work. I find this card usually turns up when a person is involved in a consulting role based on their knowledge and skills and that they are generally part of a small leadership team involved in key decisions of a practical nature.
Keywords: work, employment, skill
When reversed it indicates that you are doing a lot of work and not feeling rewarded for it or that you feel unappreciated or criticised by others. There may be insufficient renumeration. Sometimes this card can indicate problems with someone at work or relationships at work not being good. You may also feel taken for granted.
Keyword: unrewarding work, lack of appreciation.
Have a great day. If your select this card for the day know that you skills and knowledge are appreciated and valued every day. You are a very important member of the team or a great consultant in your field! 🌻🌻♥️