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The Ten of Swords

Good morning everyone. Happy Friday! Yay

Well we cant put this off any longer. Today we are dealing with the 10 of Swords. In the most positive light this is the ending to a painful situation. That is things can only get better so do not be depressed if you select this card as your card for the day. It is a sign of a new beginning on the horizon

The Tens in the Tarot

Ten represents the beginning of a new stage of development as we move to the double digit. The Ten can be the final stage or completion but more often than not it is the extreme expression of the energy of the suit and is an overdo of that energy. It is the idea of one too many, destruction and decadence as it has the power of a zero behind it but also contained in the 10 is the promise of a new beginning as the 10 reduces back to a 1. The number 10 can also signify or suggest a group of people contributing to the overuse of the energy of this suit.

Ten of Swords

This card signifies the conclusion of something and a new beginning about to dawn. The worst point in a crisis is over. The situation can only improve. It is sometimes shown as a card of ruin and disaster but it also offers hope for a brighter future. As this number often relates to groups it may also be a member of a group or your family causing problems. If you look at the image the dawn is breaking in the background showing hope for the future and a new beginning. There can be no further pain in this situation as it is an ending.

Keywords Crisis, ruin, ending of strife.


A bad situation could become even worse. It may seem that problems are over but this is more of an illusion. You should be prepared for future trouble and disappointment. A group of people could be involved or one particular person in that group causing great strife and grief for others.Be watchful and try to anticipate trouble or the actions of a particular person. This one is hard to avoid. All you can do is to be prepared.

Keywords False hope, misfortune, ruin🦉🦉🦉🙏♥️

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Rider-Waite Tarot images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT USA. c. 1971 by U.S. Games Systems. Rider-Waite is a registered trademark of U.S. Games Systems. All rights reserved.  

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