Lyn's Numerology Charts &
Tarot Card Readings
Life guidance with a difference!
Metaphysics Reader, Advisor and Teacher
Level 1, 22-28 Edgeworth David Ave, Hornsby NSW 2080
Servicing Hornsby area, greater Sydney and Central Coast
Ph: 0412 314 264 Email: lynmaree62@gmail.com

The Meaning of The Temperance Card 14/5
The number 14/5 in Numerology is about change, adaptation. It can bring excesses if not handled properly and responsibly. The key meanings of the Temperance card is about moderation, mixing and balancing aspects of life.
Temperance is a great card for warning us about the effects of excesses and of getting our lives out of balance. The 14 is a karmic number which is saying change your way of living (1) through a new foundation (4) to bring about a positive new outlook 5. Too much self indulgence (1) can result in instability physically (4). The 5 is the number of change. Temperance here means moderation by mixing and balancing elements in your life. If we look at the card she is pouring water from one vessel to another - one foot on the land and one in the water. The water signifying emotion and the need for balance in life to achieve harmony and peace of mind. Her foot on the land is a sign to keep grounded and balance the physical with the emotional. On a practical level when Temperance appears it shows you have a balanced personality and the ability to handle a difficult situation with tact and efficiency. Time should be taken to weigh up the best option or course of action. By experiencing extremes of emotion the Fool now learns the value of balance and moderation. He now feels more centred and whole. Moderation may be called for to achieve balance in your life in terms of health and your mental stability. It also warns us against overreactions in emotions and excesses such as alcohol and food. We can all benefit from meditating on the energy and meaning of this card as I do. Temperance is a welcome relief in the spiritual journey of the Fool with the highs and lows of his past experience and emotion as he comes to terms with the fact that life is a process of fluid mixing and balancing of all the elements and of our experiences.
Keywords - balanced personality and tact. Need for moderation.
Reversed may indicate a lack of self control, inconsistency of purpose and moodiness. A need for slowing down and calming down. Breaking a task into smaller pieces to work towards a better balance.