Lyn's Numerology Charts &
Tarot Card Readings
Life guidance with a difference!
Metaphysics Reader, Advisor and Teacher
Level 1, 22-28 Edgeworth David Ave, Hornsby NSW 2080
Servicing Hornsby area, greater Sydney and Central Coast
Ph: 0412 314 264 Email: lynmaree62@gmail.com

The Expression Number/Destiny Number or Total Name Total
Your Expression number is one of your most significant personal numbers. It is derived from the the number value of the letters in your full birth certificate name. It reveals the talents, abilities and the limitations you have in this lifetime.
Your soul chooses to own this energy when you are named. Yes someone else names you but the name they choose for you or the name you are landed with through circumstances is exactly right for you and describes your nature. The name does not determine your personality but does describe it. That is, your name does not cause you to have a particular personality it just describes your soul’s nature. You own that energy.
This number is the key to your personality and represents the way you think and process your experiences in life. It describes the way you express yourself, character, temperament, general nature and sense of identity. It represents a summary of your character and together with your birth path makes up your individuality and who you are.
Your expression number can be further divided into motivating force, outward personality projection and there are other influences such as the Captstone and cornerstone which we will look at later. For today make a note of this table somewhere.
The system I use is the Pythagorian. This is also called modern Western Numerology. Pythagoras was an Astrologer, Numerologist, Musician and a spiritual leader. He allocated the numbers from 1 to 9 in sequence to the letters in the alphabet from A to Z. Each letter of the alphabet has a numerical energy vibration. The numbers in your name describe the qualities of your soul they do not cause your personality. Each soul chooses to own this energy regardless of who named them or how their name is arrived at.
Each number has its Under Balanced, Balanced, and Over Balanced influence which adds depth to our character. Letters we miss out on in our name are karmic lessons. That is we need to experience and master that energy that we are missing. Often the universe provides a helping hand by giving us those missing numbers in our Birth Path or Ulitimate Goal so that we can more readily learn to understand it through experiences.
If a person’s name has been changed then their fundamental energies remain unchanged. The only number that changes is the Essence Number or spiritual lesson each year. Changing a name can give you different experiences but ultimately owning and understanding your basic nature through numerology will give you the most satisfying experiences in life.
The letters in your name cycle throughout your life for different periods of time. For the moment just know that the cycle of these energies makes up your essence number or spiritual lesson for each year.
The expression number/destiny number or Total Name Total describes your personality, character, temperament, your nature and the mode of energy you are most comfortable expressing and showing to others. For example if you have an expression number of a 3 you will have a great mind - being artistic or creative or a good mathematician. 3 is the number of communication and self expression. You find your expression number by adding up all the number values for the letters in your total birth certificate name and then reducing them to a single digit or to a double digit in the case of the Master spiritual numbers or Karmic numbers. You generally reduce them to a single digit.
The following is how the numbers are allocated to the letters
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Finding a word association that helps you think of these vibrations and what they mean will help
e.g. Jas (No 1) - sort of sounds like Jazz - an upbeat, active tempo in music
Bkt (No 2) is a bit like bucket - a vessel to carry water. Water is emotion and as the number 2 often fits with relationships, harmony, negotiation and emotional issues it seems to fit.
Clu (No 3) - associated with a clue in a mystery or puzzle. Solving a mystery finding a missing piece is a mental process and takes creative thinking. The number 3 is associated with creativity, thought processes and communication.
You can work out your own but you get the idea.
For example Cathy Jones would be: 3+1+2+8+7 (21 = 2+1= 3) + 1+6+5+5+1 = (18 = 1+8 = 9) giving a total of 3 (from first name) + 9 (from last) = 12 = 3
The expression number can be further divided into the Soul Urge Number (vowel total) and the Personality Number (consonant total number). These also have special significance. (See under this tab). As Numerology is quite phonetic sometimes consonants are counted as vowels e.g. "Y"in Yvonne or Emily is counted as a vowel as it sounds like "e". This is covered more in my classes.
In addition to this each name in the expression number has significance. With the first name defining our physical presentation to the world, the second our emotional expression and the last name our spiritual or karmic influences which fits well with our family name carrying these energies into this lifetime. The Expression number which we adopt at birth and appears on our birth certificate remains valid throughout life. If we change our name the Essence Number changes ( spiritual lesson number) but our birth energies and personality remain unchanged. There will be more on this under other headings and we deal with the influence of the essence number extensively in classes where we construct the Essence Chart and look at its influence year by year in a person's life.
Another layer to the Expression Number is the Soul urge or Vowel Total, Personality Number or Consonant Total - these are other influences in our behaviour and personality presentation. The cycle of the numbers of our name gives us the Essence Number.