9 of Cups
Today we are looking at the Nine of Cups – one of the most positive cards in the deck - the wish fulfilment card. It is the wish...

8 of Cups
Good morning everyone. Today we are looking at another tough card - The 8 of Cups. Do not dread this card but welcome it as a sign of...

7 of Cups
Good morning everyone. Today we are up to the 7 of Cups. This is a card of choices for happiness in life remember CUPS is all about love,...

6 of Cups
Today we are looking at the 6 of Cups – the nostalgia card. Sometimes we reflect on the good things in past relationships or happier...

5 of Cups
Arrows of the Birth Path: 22.1.1981 The Fives in the Tarot The stability of the number four is disrupted by adding one to it. Five is...

The Four of Cups
Are you a bit bored with the same old routine and are waiting for something more exciting to come along? The Four of Cups is a bit like...

3 of Cups
The Threes in the Tarot This is the creative element and the combined forces of 2 creating a third. It can represent a link between what...

Two of Cups
Good morning everyone. Today we are looking at one of the best known cards in the Tarot - The Two of Cups often referred to as the...

Ace of Cups
Aces in The Tarot: The Aces stand for unity and undivided energy of the suit. The Aces are number 1s – the beginning of the expression...

King of Pentacles
The Kings generally represent mature aged men in a reading. They are rational, authoritative figures. They are well respected with a...