The Emperor No 4 in the Major Arcana
Good morning everyone.Today we are taking a look at the authoritative masculine energy of the The Emperor, Number 4 in the Major Arcana....

The Empress No 3 in the Major Arcana
Good morning everyone. Today we take a look at the meaning of the Empress No 3 in the Major Arcana. The Empress III The number 3 here is...

The High Priestess II in the Major Arcana
Good morning everyone. Happy Monday!! Today we will have a look at No 2 in the Major Arcana - The High Priestess. The High Priestess II...

The Magician No 1 in the Major Arcana
Good morning everyone. Time to move on to The Magician Number 1 in the Major Arcana. Just to recap: The Major Arcana represent the forces...

The Fool Card 0
Good morning everyone.Today we start the journey through the Major Arcana. I have covered the cards before but this time I am just giving...

Your Personality Card in The Tarot
Good morning everyone. Today we are beginning on the Major Arcana. Your birthdate can be used to work out your personality card in the...

Basic Meaning of Numbers continued
Good morning everyone. Today we are continuing with the key meanings of numbers. Each number has a particular energy vibration and...

Basic Meaning of Numbers
I thought I would go back to basics and work on the essential meaning of numbers. The meaning of these numbers applies throughout...

Ultimate Goal Number
Happy Friday everyone. Today I thought I would mention the Ultimate Goal Number. It is probably the third most important personal number...

Expression Number
Good morning everyone. Just thought since we have been looking at the value of the letters in your name for the inclusion chart I would...