The Six of Pentacles
The Six of Pentacles The Sixes mean harmony, balance, equilibrium, home, family and responsibility. Six is associated with justice and...

The 7 of Pentacles
Good morning everyone. Today we are looking at the 7 of Pentacles. If you think life is hard work and sometimes feel like giving up then...

The 5 of Pentacles
The Fours in the Tarot A square is a stable strong shape with four sides. The number four represents the material world, stability, firm...

The Four of Pentacles
The Fours in the Tarot A square is a stable strong shape with four sides. The number four represents the material world, stability, firm...

The Three of Pentacles
Three of Pentacles The number three is the concept of creation and creative expression with the product of a third entity - a bit like...

The Two of Pentacles
Two of Pentacles The number 2 represents the relationship or interaction between two entities. It can be one of harmony and balance or...

The Ace of Pentacles
The Aces – Number 1 in any suit. The beginning or start of something - The initial stage. The Ace of each suit represents the full and...

The 10 of Wands
We are coming to the end of the road with the suit of wands with the number 10 today. Have you bitten off more than you can chew? Too...

The Nine of Wands
Good morning everyone. Today we are looking at the Nine of Wands. It’s a tricky one.. The message – keep going you are almost there. The...

The 8 of Wands
Good morning everyone. Today we are looking at the 8 of Wands The Eight in the Tarot The number eight contains the stability and...