The Tower - Number 16 in the Major Arcana
Good morning everyone. Today we are looking at the last of the "scary" cards. The Tower No 16 The visual image of the Tower is of...

The Devil Care No 15 in the Major Arcana
Good morning everyone. Today we are looking at another card that tends to terrify people. The Devil Card 15/6. Just remember that the god...

The Temperance Card No 14 in the Major Arcana
Good morning everyone. Today we are looking at The Temperance Card 14/5. - change through moderation and balancing. Temperance is a great...

The Death Card No 13 in the Major Arcana
Good morning everyone. Today we are looking at probably the most feared card in the deck - the Death Card 13/4. I say - bring it on! The...

The Hanged Man No 12 in the Major Arcana
Good morning everyone. Happy Today we a looking at the complicated and often misunderstood card - The Hanged Man No 12 in the Major...

The Justice Card - No 11 in the Major Arcana
Good morning everyone. Do you have an important decision to be made and are worried about doing the right thing? Today we look at The...

The Wheel of Fortune No 10 in the Major Arcana
Good morning everyone. Today is your lucky day - we are looking at The Wheel of Fortune No 10 The Fool begins to see how everyone and...

The Hermit No 9 in the Major Arcana
Good morning everyone. Today we are up to the Hermit No 9 – Do you have days that you just feel like crawling back into bed and staying...

The Strength Card No 8
Today we are looking at the Strength Card - No 8 The strength card is also known as Fortitude or Force. This card is about moral strength...

The Chariot No 7
Good morning everyone. Today is we are focusing on The Chariot No 7 in the Major Arcana. When the Chariot appears in a spread the...