The Hierophant No 5 in the Major Arcana
Good morning everyone. Today we are up to number 5 in the Major Arcana - The Hierophant. In the Fool’s spiritual journey he begins to...

The Emperor No 4 in the Major Arcana
Good morning everyone. Today we a looking at the authoritative father figure - The Emperor No 4 in the Major Arcana. The Emperor is the...

The Empress No 3 in the Major Arcana
he Empress III The number 3 here is the indicator of the creative force – the world of nature and sensation., the product of two equal...

The High Priestess No 2 in the Major Arcana
Good morning everyone! Today we will have a look at No 2 in the Major Arcana - The High Priestess. The High Priestess II in the Tarot...

The Magician No 1 in the Major Arcana
Good morning everyone. Time to move on to The Magician Number 1 in the Major Arcana. The Magician, sometimes called the Juggler is number...