The Page of Cups
Pages in the Suits of The Minor Arcana The Pages have several meanings. They are also sometimes called Princesses in some decks. If a...

The King of Wands
The Kings generally represent mature aged men in a reading. They are rational, authoritative figures. They are well respected with a...

The Queen of Wands
The Queens in the Tarot The Queens in the Tarot usually represent mature women. They represent the feminine aspects of our personality,...

The Knight of Wands
Introduction to The Knights in the Minor Arcana. The Knights are sometimes called Princes in some decks and usually depict men on...

The Page of Wands
Pages in the Suits of The Minor Arcana The Pages have several meanings. They are also sometimes called Princesses in some decks. If a...

The Aces in the Tarot
The Minor Arcana cards represent everyday events in the physical world. They represent our input, actions and influence in circumstances...

The Judgement Card No 20
Good morning everyone. Today we are looking at The Judgement Card No 20. This one is often misunderstood to mean a new beginning. It is a...

The Sun Card No 19
Good morning everyone. Today we are embracing the lovely positivity and charm of The Sun Card No 19 in the Major Arcana The Sun Card No...

The Moon Card No 18
Today we are looking at the Moon Card No 18/9. Like the nature of the Moon its meaning is hard to pin down and has many facets and faces-...

The Star Number 17 in the Major Arcana
Good morning everyone. Today we are moving on to one of the most positive cards in the deck - The Star No 17 The woman in this card is...