Queen of Pentacles
The Queens The Queens in the Tarot usually represent mature women and the feminine aspects of our personality. They are nurturing,...

Knight of Pentacles
Introduction to The Knights in the Minor Arcana. The Knights are sometimes called Princes in some decks but they usually do depict men on...

Page of Pentacles
Pages in the Suits of The Minor Arcana The Pages have several meanings. They are also sometimes called Princesses in some decks. If a...

King of Swords
The Kings generally represent mature aged men in a reading. They are rational, authoritative figures. They are well respected with a...

The Queen of Swords
The Queens The Queens in the Tarot usually represent mature women. They represent the feminine aspects of our personality, and are...

Knight of Swords
Introduction to The Knights in the Minor Arcana. The Knights usually depict men on horseback. In a spread they represent young men and...

Page of Swords
Pages in the Suits of The Minor Arcana If a Page comes up in a reading it may represent a child of either sex or a young woman or a...

King of Cups
The Kings generally represent mature aged men in a reading. They are rational, authoritative figures. They are well respected with a...

The Queen of Cups
The Queens The Queens in the Tarot usually represent mature women. They are the feminine aspects of our personality, and are nurturing,...

The Knight of Cups
The Knights in the Minor Arcana. The Knights are sometimes called Princes in some decks but they usually do depict men on horseback. In a...