Meaning of a Personal Year 1
Good morning everyone. Today I thought we would revisit the Personal Year Number and how this is a useful addition to a Tarot Reading....

Angelina Jolie Numerology
Good morning everyone. Today I thought we would take a glimpse at the life of Angelina Jolie. Name: ANGELINA JOLIE VOIGHT Birth Date:...

Nicolas Cage Numerology
Good morning everyone.Today I thought I would look at another actor Nicolas Cage and I was very surprised at what I found: Born Nicolas...

Jack Nicholson Numerology
Good morning everyone. This week we are back to Numerology. I thought we would continue to look at a few public figures. Today its Jack...

The World Card No 21
Lyn's Numerology Charts & Tarot Card Readings 16 November 2018 · Good morning everyone. Its Friday - a great day of the week and a good...

The Judgement Card No 20
Good morning everyone. Today we are looking at The Judgement Card No 20. This one is often misunderstood to mean a new beginning. It is a...

The Sun Card No 19
Good morning everyone. Today we are embracing the lovely positivity and charm of the The Sun Card 19/10/1 The Sun Card No 19/10/1 This is...

The Moon No 18
Today we are looking at the Moon Card No 18/9. Like the nature of the Moon its meaning is hard to pin down and has many facets and faces-...

The Star No 17
Good morning everyone. Today we are moving on to one of the most positive cards in the deck - The Star No 17 The Star 17 The woman in...

The Tower No 16
Good morning everyone. Today we are looking at the last of the "scary" cards which you will see is sometime just what we need to get back...