Meaning of Personal Year 2
Good morning everyone. Happy Friday. I thought we would continue for the moment recapping the Personal Year Number meanings. The Personal...

Meaning of Personal Year 1
Good morning everyone. We haven’t finished with Tarot Spreads but I thought I would go over the Personal Year numbers. Working this at...

The Celtic Cross - relationship issue
Good morning everyone. Im a bit late this morning. Our sweet little 3 legged cat Cleo decided to sit on my laptop last night and delete...

5 or 10 card Horseshoe Spread
Good morning everyone. We are continuing on with the relationship issue for this lady. We are now looking at the timing over the next 12...

The 5 card issue spread
Good morning everyone. Just following on from last week its time to look at another spread. The first step in a reading if the client is...

3 Card Simple Tarot Spread - Tom Cruise
Good morning everyone. Today we are looking at one more example of the 3 card spread. We are revisiting the 3 card Simple Spread we did...

3 Card Simple Tarot Spread
Good morning everyone. Today we are looking at the simplest spread - the 3 card Past Present and future spread. I thought we would have a...

Tips for Doing Tarot Readings part 2
Today we are continuing with GENERAL RULES TO FOLLOW WHEN DOING A READING. 4. Look at the element, number, polarity etc. of each card. Is...

Tips for Reading Tarot
Good morning everyone. Today we are going to cover a few general rules that may help you when doing a reading for someone: 1. ...

Tarot Basics
Good morning everyone. We are going to look at a few useful spreads this week but for today I just want to recap a few points before we...