Meaning of The Fool Card
Good morning everyone. Today we are starting on the Major Arcana beginning with THE FOOL card. Just remember that the minor arcana cards...

Ten of Pentacles
Good morning everyone. Its the 10 of Pentacles today - the final expression of the practical energy of the physical world - money,...

Meaning of Nine of Pentacles
Good morning everyone. Its Monday. Take to take stock of your career and life in general? Is what you doing rewarding? Do you have what...
Finding Your Cloud Nine - a work in progress!
Finding Your Cloud Nine What am I here for? Will I be rich? Will I be happy? These are questions common to the human condition....

Meaning of The Eight of Pentacles
Good morning everyone We are getting somewhere and moving on to the 8 of Pentacles – achievement and rewards on the physical plane. The 8...

Meaning of Seven of Pentacles
Good morning everyone. Today we are looking at the 7 of Pentacles. If you think life is hard work and sometimes feel like giving up then...

Meaning of The Six of Pentacles
Good morning everyone. Today its the 6 of Pentacles - acts of kindness and generosity. The Six of Pentacles The Sixes represent harmony,...

Meaning of The Five of Pentacles
Good morning everyone. Today we are getting back to the suit of Pentacles - element EARTH relating to work, finances and security and the...

"The Issue" Spread in The Tarot
Good morning everyone. Happy Monday. Let's hope its a good week ahead. I should be looking at the Five of Pentacles today but that is a...

Meaning of The Four of Pentacles
Good morning everyone. Today we are looking at the 4 of Pentacles - stability, security and resistance to change. Four of Pentacles Four...