The Strength Card No 8
The Strength Card No 8 The strength card is also known as Fortitude or Force. This card is about moral strength and determination as the...

The Lovers Card No 6
This card is usually to do with matters of choice rather than with love. The choice is difficult and almost impossible to come back from...
Moving from a 9 Personal Year to a 1 Personal Year
"Every end is a new beginning" and "as one door closes, another opens". Both of these are common sayings in life as many of us already...
We are who we choose to be
"We are who we choose to be". We can all aim to be the best version of ourselves and to be kind and considerate towards others. This...
Thought for the day - Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are
Thought for today. Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. -John F....
The Meaning of The Twos in the Tarot
Meaning of the number 2s in the Tarot. Number two is about negotiation, balance between opposing forces, relationships of all sorts,...
The Aces
The Aces in the Tarot are Number 1s - new beginnings, new plans, ideas and originality. In the Tarot, Wands correlate to the element Fire...
What are your Karmic Lessons
Karma is about the law of cause and effect. Everything that happens to you has had a previous cause. Your karmic lessons are qualities...
What does the saying "Cloud Nine" mean?
What does "Cloud Nine" mean? For most of us this saying means a state of great bliss, happiness and euphoria. Numerology is based on the...
Universal Year 2018 = 11/2
2018 is the universal year for all us. This number adds up to 11. We do not reduce the 11 to a 2 as it is a master spiritual number...