Meaning of The Empress Tarot Card - III
She is Venus ruled - sensual, expressive, creative, beautiful. She is the archetypal earth mother. 3 is the creative product of 2. When...
Meaning of The High Priestess II Tarot Card
She is the classical female symbol; associated with the Moon and the element water. The High Priestess is No 2 in the Major Arcana as she...
Meaning of The Magician Tarot Card - I
He is a character. No 1 in Numerology is a leader. 1 is the number of leadership, initiative, assertiveness, action and enterprise. The...
Meaning of The Fool Tarot Card- 0
The Fool Card - he may be a little foolhardy walking forward without looking down but he doesn't have a care in the world.. The Fool is...