Ready for a New Relationship?
There are many key indicators that come up in relationship spreads that reveal whether the timing is right for someone new. If you...

The Death Card 13
The Death Card is one of the most feared cards in the tarot. It is the number 13. In Numerology this number means death and...

Orthila the Rune of Separating Paths
The Runes are an amazing tool for personal clarity. I have noticed that many people are apprehensive when they select the Rune of...

Rune of Eihwaz No 9 in the Runes
This week I have had a number of clients select this Rune. Ralph Blum's words particularly resonate with them and I feel this is a...

The Hanged Man No 12 in the Major Arcana - patience needed. A new way to see things is ahead
If you receive the Hanged Man as your card for the day your sacrifices will be worth it. Enlightenment and information is on its way. You...

Palmistry Returning November 2021
Palmistry Returning November 2021 Palmistry is an art and science closely connected to Astrology. Palmistry shows us our potential and...

The Ace of Pentacles - financial relief is on the way!
When the Ace of Pentacles appears the energy of the number one in the earth bound suit of pentacles delivers a new job offer, payout or...

The 4 of Swords - rest and recovery
The 4 of Swords - the stability of the 4 brings rest, recovery and time out after strife and struggle in the suit of Swords. For those in...

Ace of Wands - element Fire - new plans
The Ace of Wands represents new energy, new plans and a new beginning. The fire energy is a creative force inspiring new creative ideas....

The 4 of Swords - time out in the COVID-19 Pandemic
One of the unexpected benefits of this pandemic has been the discovery of rest and time out for a lot of us. No one denies the financial...